Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tools Recommended for Beginner Real Estate Investors

I'm often asked for a list of recommended tools for Beginner Real Estate Investors. The list I'm about to give you works in all different industries. It doesn't matter if you're working with foreclosure sellers or whether you're working with potential private investors for a commercial real estate deal you're putting together.

The first tool I recommend is a credibility kit. It could be a website, brochures, collateral and business cards. Whatever it is, it should be consistent. It should show people you are who you say you are, can do what you say you can do, and let them know what you do, what solutions you provide and why they should work with you. It's very simple.

Next, and a lot of people disagree with this, but I think you should have a dedicated phone. I think, at the very least, you should have a dedicated phone line.

It can come into your cell phone number, but it should be a dedicated phone line.

Next on my list of recommended tools for beginner real estate investors is a tickler file.  This is a way to track your pinging and your follow up if not automated. For example, you talk to a seller who is interested in selling but not yet over the hump of selling at the terms that you want. Make sure you have a system of organization whether that's Outlook, one of the automated tools that I use, or a box on your desk with index cards that are put in order of date - whatever it is, low tech or high tech have something that helps you follow up and tickle people over time and keep organized.

Next, and I think as we move more and more in today's world, this is less of an option and more of a requirement quite frankly: an autoresponder.

One of Aweber. The one that I got started with and am more familiar with is GetResponse, I currently use both Get Response and InfusionSoft.

Next are questionnaires. This is a simple tool. This is something you can have printed out in front of you on your desk. You want to have questionnaires that deal with who your perfect potential people are who are coming into your marketing funnel. For example, you should have a sheet that you fill out on the phone with someone if they're a potential lease option seller. You should have a sheet you fill out with someone on the phone if they're a potential lease option buyer. You should have a sheet in front of you if you're having calls come in from a potential private lender or investor.  

Can you later advance, put some of that stuff on the web and have it automated? Yes of course, but don't let what you don't know stop you from doing that. If you don't have a website with those fancy features where people can type all this in on the site, have these people call you. Fill out a form while you're on the phone with them and build rapport with them.

We don't want to 21-question them, that doesn't work, everyone has seen a first date where you're just like - that guy is definitely not going to get a second chance because he's just rapid firing question after question and we all know that doesn't cook the bacon, so you want to have those sheets in front of you.

I'll tell you a quick story about when I first started out in the real estate game. I was actually working for an investor for free and this guy was a jerk. I didn't like him at all but he had this policy about this buy sheet, this thing that had to be filled out.  

If it was blank paper it was about as worthless as toilet paper but as you started filling it in and putting in the information about the property, putting the motivation from the seller, different information pieces you'd gotten from the seller– as you started getting that filled in, and it might take more than one conversation it might be over time– as you start filling it in it becomes less and less toilet paper and more and more worth its weight or more in gold. That was something he taught me, even though he was a jerk and I didn't like him I learned the value of keeping and data-basing that information for follow-up.  

I hope that you have found this list of recommended tools for beginner real estate investors to be valuable.  They've helped me build my businesses, and I know that they will do the same for you.

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